Thursday, March 24, 2011

Right brain education the future or quackery? part 3

Right Brain education for babies and toddlers really is the future. The more I read about the latest research about the brain and young children and what they are capable of doing the more I want to do right brain education with my own tots.

I am learning so much because RB Ed. is soo gentle and not forceful like school can be. You teach to where your child is at and you follow their lead. So I thought I would post how to determine where your child is at and how to teach where they are at. The Tweedlewink course is also about respecting where the child is at so if you have a two year old who is extremely active and can't sit still at all for a lesson their are many ways which you can teach to that.

The Stages from RBkids Tweedlewink course

Characteristics: Developing inside the womb, can hear outside noises from 5 months. The baby thoughts and feelings are intimately linked with the mother and brain development is rapid.

Communication  Loving thoughts from mother. Lots of tummy rubs, singing, reading, play some audio books and you can add foreign language cds. RB Input 100%

Newborn 0-9mnths

Characteristics: Dependent upon mother, highly sensitive to emotional and physical environment, developing outer senses and brain developing quickly absorbing all information. Preparing for mobility.

Communication: Flashcard lesson corner, Lots of Black and White Stimulation cards, mobile and at the change table, Nice soft pure materials, Tummy time and opportunities to crawl. Lots and lots of love and hugs and loving people.

Infant 10-18months

Characteristics Developing fine and gross motor skills actively mobile, imitating sounds and actions. Curious about environment and eager to explore, building communication skills.

Communication: Sign language, narration, teaching words for feelings, lots of praise, flash cards, posters, play areas, play mats, large toys, low shelves lots of climbing, jumping and walking opportunities.

Infant Toddler 19-27months

Characteristics Moving and communicating, exploring and wanting independence, matching, responds to instructions, enjoys pretend play, limited ability to focus (up to 15min) able to hold a pencil,

Communication: Add steps for sink independence,(teeth brushing and hand washing) supervise sand and water play, craft learning table, reading corner,  small table and chairs, chalk board, labelled shelves and draws, outside play pretend play. Ask questions support creative and logical response.

Toddler 28-36months

Characteristics. Speaks and Understands well, beginning counting, beginning to read letters and basic phonic sounds draws shapes and pictures can focus for approx 20minutes.

Communication: Continue to ask questions, mostly same as above but create parent/child work areas to teach practical life skills, such as cleaning/cooking, baking and carpentry.

Pre-School 3-6 years.Characteristics Reads letters and words, understands basic maths concepts (adds and subtracts) organises material mentally (match sequence multiply) expresses imagination, expresses independent ideas. can focus up to 30minutes.

Communication, Memory games, continue to ask questions and support creative and logical answers, Learn more about the wink program.

The above age groups is a guide only if your child is say 29months but still expresses characteristic of the Infant-toddler stage than teach to the stage they are in not the age group. RB ed is about a gentle approach and following your child rather than pushing them along. Respect where they are at and trust in the fact that all the info is going in. I know I am continually surprised by my dd and her knowledge all the time.

Good luck to all you dedicated parents out there. I can not highly recommend this course enough I learnt soo much. Even a few little tricks to. Worth doing and not expensive either.


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